Bastien Burlot is objectively one of the most promising young French luthiers today. Having been his guitar teacher at the Paris Conservatory for 2 years and having had the opportunity to play two of his instruments in a dozen recitals in Europe and the United States, I can say that he possesses the qualities that will make him one of the luthiers to be reckoned with internationally in the future.
His instruments are the result of the dual reflection of a very good musician (a notable advantage in the world of luthiers) and an intelligent, sensitive, and innovative craftsman. Perfectly balanced, his guitars also exhibit complementary qualities, among which a splendid note definition stands out, combined with a constant richness of tone. Personally, this is what I have always prioritized in my quest as both a soloist and a composer, disregarding the relentless pursuit of 'power,' a concept that, in my opinion, is outdated and already belongs to the past. A guitar is a guitar, and it is indeed its virtues of color, tone, and balance that give it its power.
Do I need to specify that Bastien Burlot has perfectly integrated all of this into the craftsmanship of his beautiful guitars for a long time now?
I love BB!
Roland Dyens
Guitarist and Composer